Year 11 Digital Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs H. James.

What is Digital Technology? Technology is the application of knowledge for practical purposes to help solve an issue. It is a creative subject where we work out solutions to problems. Since we are 'digital technology' we will be learning to use computers and their applications to create these solutions for clients and stakeholders.

What is this course about? 

  • Term one - All students will learn about website design and development. This gives a good introduction to the subject and covers the base concepts all students need to understand.
  • Term two - Students will complete a project in their chosen strand of either digital media or coding
  • Term three - Students will either work towards the external exam in Usability in Human - Computer Interfaces OR complete digital technology unit standards of their choosing.

All of the above learning will give students a good foundation of digital technology skills which can be used in other subjects, the work place or Year 12 Digital Technology.

There is an element of flexibility available to students to choose which standards they complete to gain their credits. Due to this, students need to be able to work independently and take initiative for their learning as many different projects and learning will be occurring in the class at once.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 10 Digital Technology is recommended, however students who have not completed 10DGT will be able to experience success in 11DGT if they are able to work independently and show commitment to learning the work they are less familiar with.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

It is useful for students to have their own wired headphones to be able to use in class.


Assessment Information

As mentioned in the information above during term three students will have the opportunity to choose between working towards DGT 1.3 or choose to complete unit standards (which are not in the table below). Some options include US5946 - Create and deliver a presentation, US29769 - Use the main functions of a word processing application and US18743 - Produce a Spreadsheet.

Credit Information

You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.

Total Credits Available: 14 credits.
Externally Assessed Credits: 5 credits.
Internally Assessed Credits: 9 credits.

Internal or
L1 Literacy Credits
UE Literacy Credits
Numeracy Credits
U.S. 18734 v7
Create a web page using a template
Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 2
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
U.S. 25659 v4
Create a web page using a mark-up language with a text editor
Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 2
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 92005 v3
Digital Technologies 1.2 - Develop a digital technologies outcome
Level: 1
Internal or External: Internal
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
A.S. 92006 v2
Digital Technologies 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces
Level: 1
Internal or External: External
Credits: 5
Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Numeracy Credits: 0
Credit Summary
Total Credits: 14
Total Level 1 Literacy Credits: 0
Total University Entrance Literacy Credits: 0
Total Numeracy Credits: 0


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.