Year 13 Global Studies
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Ms L. Bruce-Miller.
Course Description:
Year 13 Global Studies allows students to explore contemporary issues and social action that people have taken to effect change. This will include an in-depth look at human rights, geopolitics, the work of organisations who fight for equality, and different modern protest movements. One standard requires students to actively organise and participate in some form of social action.
The Global Studies programme is planned so that students gain knowledge and understanding about events, places and people of significance to New Zealand and beyond, in the past and the present. Global Studies helps students to understand their world and explore how societies work and how they themselves can participate and act as critical, informed and responsible citizens.
Students develop inquiry skills to select and process information about environmental, social, economic and political issues. They develop understanding about how societies are organised and function and how the ways in which people and communities respond are shaped by different perspectives, values and viewpoints.
Topics include:
- Contemporary issues: Local, National, and International
- Human rights: Perspectives, viewpoints, and responses
- Social actions: Challenging systems for positive change
- Ako pakirehua: Inquiry Learning
It will be contemporary; it will be conceptually aligned to our learner’s world and many of the challenges and opportunities they have. Students will have the chance to report on how events of today impact our local and global society. Students will be given the option to personally involve themselves in a social or environmental action(s) for positive change.
The achievement standards offered will be from the senior Social Studies curriculum, with the possibility of cross curricular learning content and unit standards if applicable. Due to the nature of the standards offered, students will be able to choose their enquiry topics, as well as have input into the program of learning throughout the academic year.
This subject is University Entrance Accredited.
Recommended Prior Learning
Open to all students
UE certified Subject "Social Studies".
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Total Credits Available: 37 credits.
Externally Assessed Credits: 8 credits.
Internally Assessed Credits: 29 credits.
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 24
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.