Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 10 Health

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr G. ODonnell.

Length of Course: Half year course, consisting of 3 lessons per week 

Moving forward from Year 9, this course aims to deepen understanding of the concepts of Hauora, Attitudes and Values and Decision making.

Unit 1 - Ways to Wellbeing - Mental Health

Students have the opportunity to explore ways in which physical, mental and emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of hauora contribute to mental health.

Topics Include:  Resilience, Social media, Mental health stigma, Stress and relaxation, Anxiety and depression, Mental health foundation support systems

Unit 2 - Sexuality Education 

Students will critically examine the social and cultural influences that shape the ways people learn about and express their sexuality, for example, in relation to gender roles, the concept of body image, discrimination, equity, the media, culturally based values and beliefs, and the law. 

Topics include: Diversity, Sexual identity, Gender issues, reproductive health, contraception, sexually transmissible infections, sexual attraction and maturation, effects of pornography, consent, ethical issues. 

Unit 3 - Alcohol and other Drugs (AoD) 

In this unit, students will develop an understanding of the influences on an individual and their choice to consume alcohol and use other drugs. This will be analysed with reference to the impact these have on an individual’s Well-being/Hauora.

Topics include: Alcohol, marijuana, vaping, methamphetamine, decision making (DESC model), assertive behaviour, agencies that are available to help. 

Unit 4 - Health Research project 

In this unit students choose a topic of their choice that is health related. The objective is to produce 10 questions to research and present with a health enhancing message for their peers. It is also required that students interview an expert in their subject and present their findings. 

Topics include: research, collaboration, exploration of ideas, critical thinking, involvement with our community, presentation skills, 

Learning Areas:

Physical Education, Outdoor Education & Health


Year 11 Health


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.