Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 11 Art Making Intensive

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms L. Kidd.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open to all students

Course Description: This course is for students who enjoy the more traditional art making conventions of drawing,  painting and printmaking. Students will learn and understand how to create work around a theme and use those ideas to create a sustained body of work (one board folio) that uses artist models to inspire ideas. Students will be able to experiment with drawing, printmaking, and a variety of painting and drawing tools including water colours and oil paints. Students may need to provide some of their own supplies if they are wanting to use specialised painting resources. 

Topics include:

- Creation of works for an exhibition in term 2 around a specific class theme 

- A workbook project that develops ideas and experimentation of a range of skills and techniques.

- Creating a portfolio of work around an individual theme, developing an idea in a sustained and cohesive body of work.

Please note:

Students can only select 1 Arts course in year 11

Compulsory Materials needed: 1 A3 ring bound workbook. Art Kits with a range of specific art making products are available on the Gordon Harris Schools Direct website.

Learning Areas:

Visual Arts


Year 12 Visual Art - Painting, Year 12 Visual Art - Photography, Year 12 Visual Art - Project Based Art


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.