Teacher in Charge: Ms L. Bruce-Miller.
Recommended Prior LearningOpen to all students.
The Commerce programme is planned so that students gain knowledge and understanding about organisations and financial decision making. Students develop inquiry skills to explore accounting, economic, and business concepts and models to make sense of society and solve problems. In this subject, ākonga will build the knowledge, skills, and values they need to navigate, and participate in, the economic world. They will learn how participants in the economic world make decisions, and they will analyse how these decisions impact on sustainability.
Ākonga will learn that decision-making is necessitated by scarcity and that decisions are informed by a variety of cultural perspectives and lenses. Learning and assessment will examine Māori, Pacific, and different approaches to commerce, and business models from whānau and organisation contexts.
Topics Include:
Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.