Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 11 Dance

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms O. Martin.

In this course students will:

-Understand that identity and culture are expressed through dance and engaging with the variety of purposes dance is used for. Being empowered to recognise the diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand and build connections across cultures.

- learn to recall and reproduce dance as taught by the choreographer, exploring known and new movement vocabulary to express ideas.

- Understanding Dance as a vehicle for creating, forming, exploring, and sustaining relationships with self, others, and the environment. Using collaborative strategies in and through composition and performance experiences

- Develop literacy skills in a physical sense, in Dance, ākonga process and demonstrate their thinking through movement. They use their bodies to both communicate and interpret the message and purpose of a dance.

- Develop performance skills and experiences while identifying the elements of dance to describe own and others’ choreography

Topics include:

  • Choreography: Communicate with creativity and imagination, using choreographic processes to give form to dance ideas.
  • Performance: prepare, rehearse and perform a range of selected dance genres and styles.
  • Genre study: Understand the relationship between key features and cultural context of a dance genre or style.

Assessment: Four achievement standards each worth 5 credits to offer a total value of 20 credits.

Please note: Open, students must be aware this is a performance based course. There is an expectation that students will participate in a wide variety of dance styles.

Learning Areas:

Performing Arts


Year 12 Dance


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.