Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 12 Chemistry

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr N. Wiffen.

Recommended Prior Learning

Please ask your current Science teacher if this course is suitable for you.

Mā te whakaaro nui e hanga te whare; mā te mātauranga e whakaū.

Big Ideas create the house; knowledge maintains it.

Level 2 Chemistry is the study of the composition and properties of matter, and the changes it undergoes.  An understanding of chemistry is developed through investigations in a variety of theoretical and practical contexts. Chemistry links into a huge range of field and career opportunities.  These include: teaching, veterinary, medicine, cosmetics, industry, forensics, pharmacy, horticulture, farming.  It also prepares students to make more informed decisions about things that affect them in the outside world. 

This course leads to:  Level 3 Chemistry if one external paper is achieved.

Learning Areas:



Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.