Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 12 General Engineering - Grass Karts

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr L. Newsome.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students who did not choose Engineering in Year 11 are welcome to enroll.

NOTE - In Year 12 students can take both General Engineering - Karts  AND General Engineering - Brazier courses as different credits are covered. 

Length of Course - Full Year 

Course Summary: Students will design and build a motorised grass kart as part of a team over the duration of the course. They will extend on skills and knowledge developed through their previous Engineering year level courses. Students will have to fabricate the racing frame and parts for their teams grass kart and assemble these and parts provided to achieve a fully race ready motorised grass kart. Through the process of the building and designing their teams, grass kart students will learn about engineering safety, hand tools, power tools and machines. The process of designing and building the grass kart replicates the real life work situation of working as part of a paid workforce to complete industry projects.

Learning Areas:



Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.