Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 13 Building and Construction

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Stow.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students who did not choose Building and Furniture Making in Year 12 are welcome to enroll.

Course Description:  This course is suitable for focused students who have an interest in building and construction or who wish to further develop their knowledge base.  Students will undertake a number of skill and design based projects. These projects will be primarily furniture based.

Students will attempt a number of Level 3 BCATS Unit Standards. The course will consist of a 50:50 mix of theory and practical work. All students will further develop their understanding of construction materials and tools. Students require good literacy and numeracy and sketching skills.

 Assessment:   Up to 20 Level 3 credits. (Unit Standards). All standards are internally assessed.

Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 credits from any of the Y12 Workshop Technology courses. L1 Literacy and Numeracy

Course Cost $70

Learning Areas:



Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.