Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 13 Music

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms H. Sinclair.

Recommended Prior Learning

Study of NCEA Music Level 2 or at least three years of instrumental or vocal tuition is recommended (or with prior approval of the HOD).

Course Description: At Level 3 students decide whether they want a practical course, a more theoretical course or a combination of both. Students will choose from standards that cover performance, composition and the study of music theory and context, music and sound technology.

Topics include: 

Making Music: Solo Performance on a main instrument, Solo performance on a second instrument, Group performance, Composition, Songwriting (Internal Assessments)

Making Music: Aural Skills (Exam)

Music Studies: Arranging, Examine the influence of context on a music work, Research a music topic (Internal Assessments)

Music Studies: Understand harmonic and tonal conventions in scores.  Analyse a substantial music work (Exams)

Performing Arts Unit Standards: Operate music sequencing, editing, and music notation application(s); Select and apply a range of processes to enhance sound in a performance context (Internal Assessments)


Making Music

4 Internal Achievement Standards 

1 External Achievement Standards

Music Studies

3 Internal Achievement Standards 

2 External Achievement Standards

Performing Arts

2 Internal Unit Standards

 Prerequisites: Study of NCEA Music Level 2 or at least three years of instrumental or vocal tuition is recommended (or with prior approval of the Head Of Department).

Learning Areas:

Performing Arts


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.