Motueka High School Motueka High School

Year 13 Sport Coaching (Gateway)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr G. ODonnell.

Recommended Prior Learning

Sports Leadership, Outdoor Education and Physical Education

This course will target eight unit standards which will provide the learners with a total of 40 credits if they complete all the criteria within these standards. Students will be expected to comprehensively explore how to effectively coach others within Motueka High School and community. They will have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and knowledge around a sport of their choice. This course will foster the opportunity to have students contribute further to house/school events within our school as a part of their learning. Accessibility to sport has always been a barrier to a number of our students, by empowering students to become coaches and develop the skills to do so effectively will enable more support to grow sport within our kura and community. 

Students taking this class will be interviewed by Mrs Dalton & Mrs Grant with a limit of 15 students in Year 13. The programme is completed via Gateway and involves achieving a National Qualification in Coaching.

Learning Areas:

Physical Education, Outdoor Education & Health

Assessment Information

All Assessments are Unit Standards and DO NOT contribute to University Entrance

Career Pathways

Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Aeroplane Pilot, Paramedic, Outdoor Recreation Guide/Instructor, Emergency Management Officer, Psychologist

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

No equipment or Stationary costs


Courses offered will be subject to sufficient students taking them up and are not necessarily guaranteed to run.