11 NCEA Level 1
NCEA enables students to retain a broad spectrum of subjects even at this level and this Level 1 package ensures that all doors remain open to students.
In Year 11, students study the following:
- Science
- English
- A Mathematics course (one of the three offered)
- 3 additional subjects, chosen from the curriculum
You can browse courses by Learning Area or search for courses using the links in the navigation bar on the left.
Guidance Notes:
Students are encouraged to keep their course selections broad and based on career aspirations.
As changes to NCEA Level 1 have been implemented, many students have assessed for the Numeracy co-requisite requirements in Year 10. A Mathematics course is still compulsory at Year 11. Students should pay close attention to information from their mathematics teacher about the appropriate course and discuss with them, or the Head of Learning Area if they have questions.
In Year 11 learners will also complete the new Literacy Writing co-requisite requirements. There are transition periods for this aspect of NCEA and the implications of these will be communicated directly.
Students and whānau can find information about the new co-requisites at https://ncea.education.govt.nz/ncea-literacy-and-numeracy-students-and-whanau
If numbers are insufficient for a course it may not be offered.
Year 12 NCEA Level 2
Students at this stage have completed their first three years of foundation studies (Years 9-11). Personal strengths, a greater awareness of future career directions and personalised course counselling, enable students to plan an individualised course of study tailored to their future learning and career needs.
Students are able to select specially designed Vocational Pathways courses. English & Mathematics are encouraged to be selected ( if individuals have not yet attained the minimum University Entrance requirement).
In Year 12, students study the following:
- 6 other subjects, the rest chosen from the curriculum and dependent on individual circumstances and needs.
- A Mathematics course must be selected if the minimum numeracy requirement has not been attained
- English is not compulsory, though students that do not select it will need to consider the courses and standards they will need to achieve to meet the University Entrance Literacy Requirement. See below for more.
- 6 Subjects in total
Guidance Notes:
You can browse courses by faculty area or search for courses using the links in the navigation bar on the left.
Students assess for the Numeracy requirements in Year 11. There is no further numeracy requirement for University Entrance.
In Year 12 learners complete Achievement Standards that have Reading and Writing credits attached to them. In order to reach University Entrance Literacy requirements learners must achieve 5 credits in Writing & 5 credits in Reading. Each Level 2 and Level 3 course lists the standards at the bottom of the description and flags the reading and writing credits. You can also view the list of Achievement Standards by clicking here
University Entrance Subjects in Year 12 are:
- Drama
- English
- Geography
- History
As always, students should be asking the central question: ”Is this programme selection progressing me in the future direction I have identified for myself?”
Year 13 NCEA Level 3
Students studying at this level are working toward NCEA Level 3 or entry to specific tertiary training.
A literacy rich subject will need to be continued if students have not attained the requirements for University Entrance. See below of more. Students may choose any other five courses offered, depending on individual circumstances, to make up a total of six courses.
In Year 13, students study the following:
- A L1 Mathematics course will be required if students have not gained the Numeracy requirement at L1 or L2
- Students need to know how they will gain the University Entrance Literacy requirement if they hope to achieve University Entrance by the end of the year. Click here to view
- Select Five subjects, depending on individual circumstances
University Entrance
Applicants to New Zealand universities require 14 credits (or 12 credits in 2020 only) in each of 3 approved subjects.
University Entrance subjects for 2025 are found on this link
Guidance Notes:
Students select five subjects.
In Year 13 (and Year 12) learners complete Achievement Standards that have Reading and Writing credits attached to them. In order to reach University Entrance Literacy requirements learners must achieve 5 credits in Writing & 5 credits in Reading. Each Level 2 and Level 3 course lists the standards at the bottom of the description and flags the reading and writing credits. Click here
Planning your pathway to further study after school is really important. MHS has put together this document which describes the best preparation you can do for tertiary courses that MHS students commonly go on to study. Click here
Students normally get their first choices, but timetabling clashes may occur which require students to re-select alternative combinations of programmes. The timetabler will advise you if this happens.